Hi. My name is Sang Won Han,
a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at INSEAD.

My research is motivated by the goals of understanding and measuring in a relational yet novel way the social and cultural processes that can be observed in individuals and organizations, so of explaining how social actors, including professionals and firms in particular, assign meaning to themselves and interpret through such meanings within and across management environments. In doing so, I strive to provide deeper practical and managerial insights into how specifically structure and culture operate across the individual and organizational levels with what kinds of behavioral and performance consequences for those individuals and organizations, and even for markets and societies.

I received my Ph.D. in Sociology from Columbia University, and B.A. in Sociology and B.S. in Statistics from Korea University, and my recent research has appeared in Administrative Science Quarterly. 

Labor Market Employee Mobility Network from Revelio Labs, 2018

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